How to Spot Signs When Manifesting: A Practical Guide to Trust Your Path
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Today's manifesto is your guide to recognizing and trusting signs when you're manifesting, and how they can be the green lights on your path to your dream life.
Let’s talk about signs. You’ve probably heard that you need to “look for signs” when manifesting something big in your life. While it sounds exciting, it can also be overwhelming. Are you supposed to see a butterfly? A red truck? Or maybe a perfectly timed Instagram quote?
Here’s the truth I’ve discovered: signs aren’t as complicated as we make them out to be. They're not some mysterious puzzle you need a decoder ring to figure out. Signs are simple, personal, and deeply aligned with your intuition.
And they often show up when you’ve done the one thing most people skip: making a decision.
The Decision That Changed Everything
Let me share a personal story. I recently made the bold decision to leave my 9-to-5 job. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t quick. I spent months feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. But deep down, I knew this wasn’t just a passing frustration; it was a sign that I was out of alignment with my company’s values.
It wasn’t until I heard Phillip Holmes on Instagram say, “If your workplace doesn’t recognize your value or isn’t willing to change, it’s time to move on,” that I felt a flicker of validation.
That was my first sign.
A month later, an incident happened at work that solidified everything. It was clear: they didn’t see my value. And just like in business, where we’re told never to waste energy convincing someone to buy from us, I decided I wouldn’t convince anyone of my worth. That’s when I made the decision to leave.
How Signs Align with Decision-Making
Here’s what I’ve learned: signs often appear after you’ve made a decision—not before. They’re like mile markers on a highway, reassuring you that you’re heading in the right direction.
When you waffle back and forth, waiting for a sign to make a choice, you’re essentially asking the universe to do the heavy lifting for you. But when you say, “I’ve decided this is what I want,” you shift the energy. That’s when signs begin to appear.
The Difference Between Convincing and Aligning
This lesson wasn’t just about my 9-to-5; it extended into how I run my business. I realized that just as I wouldn’t beg my employer to see my value, I also don’t need to convince anyone to work with me or buy from me.
When you’re aligned with your purpose and clear about the value you bring, the right people will resonate with your message. It’s not about convincing; it’s about inviting the right people into your space.
How to Recognize Signs (Without Overthinking)
Here’s the part that trips people up: how do you actually recognize signs?
Signs are deeply personal. They reflect who you are and the lifestyle you desire. Here are a few tips to make sense of them:
Ask for Them: Take action by asking for a sign. It can be as simple as saying, “If I’m on the right path, please show me [specific sign].”
Stay Aligned with Your Lifestyle: Choose a sign that feels natural to your world. For example, if you love nature, ask to see a specific bird or flower.
Be Open to Interpretation: Signs might not always look exactly as you expect. They can come in conversations, dreams, or even Instagram posts.
Trust Your Intuition: If something feels like a sign, it probably is.
For me, I love sitting on my balcony or near my window, looking at the pond. There are always ducks, and cranes, and herons in the pond, but occasionally, I will see a turtle. Me asking to see a turtle as a sign is within the realm of my “lifestyle”. I wouldn’t ask to see an Eskimo in full fur clothing (unless I was going to a dress-up party of some sort), I live in Florida!
The Role of Deep-Seated Desires
One of the most powerful takeaways from Tabitha Brown’s interview on the School of Greatness was this: the difference between a goal and a dream is that a goal can be checked off, but a dream keeps calling you back.
When you have a deep desire—a dream that won’t leave you alone—you’re more likely to notice signs guiding you toward it.
A Practice to See Signs Clearly
Here’s a practice I’ve found helpful:
Define Your Desired Lifestyle: Think about the kind of life you truly want. What brings you joy, peace, and alignment?
Make Decisions Based on That Vision: Whether it’s quitting your job, starting a business, or simplifying your schedule, let your desired lifestyle guide your choices.
Ask for Confirmation: Once you’ve made a decision, ask the universe (or the higher power of your understanding) to validate it through a sign.
Reflect: When the sign appears, take a moment to reflect on how it aligns with your vision and next steps.
Your Next Steps
If you’ve ever felt paralyzed by indecision, waiting for a sign to magically fix your uncertainty, this is your invitation to take action. Decide what you want, align with your vision, and trust the signs that follow.
To help you dive deeper into this process, I’ve created a free workbook: "Manifesting Signs & Lifestyle Alignment." This workbook is packed with exercises to:
Define your ideal lifestyle.
Recognize and interpret personal signs.
Make aligned decisions with confidence.
Download the workbook and use it as your guide to creating a life and business in harmony with your dreams.
And if you’re ready to take this work further, I’d love to invite you into The Soft CEO Way. This program is designed to help you create a business and life aligned with your unique energy—no hustle, no convincing, just flow.
Live Pleasurably,
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